A movie review? What the heck is up with this blog...where are all the downloadable music files and album reviews. So, I haven't gotten around to them, please just bare with me. For now, its more or less a lot about my boring life and the things I want to comment on or care about or that happen to me. So, I saw Dark Knight by my lonesome, like the rest of America, and was quite impressed. I think the main reason I wanted to see it though, was for Heath Ledger. I wanted to see this final performance that is already garnering oscar reviews. Seeing the film reminded me of the feeling I had about The Crow and Brandon Lee's mysterious death. In fact the role even was similar. Did Heath lose his shit and go into a full depression by becoming this maniacal villian? My answer is that it surely had a lot to do with it. The role is psychotic to say the least and the character is easily the most entertaining part of the flick. I'm curious as to what affect this movie is going to have on America. It's not a movie for kids. Its twisted. The other important question is: Is it better than the very first Batman, the one with the Prince soundtrack. (I can remember getting it on tape. It sucked. Poor introduction to Prince.) Nicholson 's joker has a lot of humor, but not Ledger, its all twisted and sick humor. The weird thing though is that it got a lot of laughs during the movie. We are all just getting sicker and sicker as human beings. I just don't know. At the same time, I admittedly really wanted to see this movie, to see Heath Ledger's final performance. Which I am sure is adding to the record breaking weekend gross for this film. ARe celebrities going to start dieing off to break box office records. Well, if so...can I suggest Tom Cruise.
On a side note, I would like to point out that if depression or some kind of psychosis had anything to do with Ledger's death, I would surely point the finger first as his friendship with the soul-less Olson twins, who is rumored to have "rolled with."
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