Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sobriety - Over 1 Month


I am pretty proud of myself. I am going to keep up the good work.


  1. Hey bud, this is Derek!

    I haven't jerked off in about a week. Henry once told me that he didn't fap for 6 months; I'd like to try and "beat" that!

    wish me luck man. Sexuality is most definitely my worst vice.

  2. And btw, great work with your sobriety! Keep it up, pretty soon all that shit will be a distant memory.

  3. Thanks for sharing Derek. I've been doing pretty good on that as well. 6 months is rough though. Well, unless I had a g/f. Alas,..............I'm so damn picky these days. I mean, I shouldn't be, if I was a chick I'd take one look at me and be, No way!

  4. That is truly awesome. Even more awesome than the NEW Beach Blanket Bingo!
