Saturday, March 7, 2009

Videos that changed my life....(Pt. 3)

The world's first opinion of STP and Weiland, and his died red hair.
IT was one part Pearl Jam, one part the future of what would become really bad alterna rock, aka - MAtchbox 20, Wallflowers, Creed, Hootie...

But it was good. This album actually was really good. I loved it.

The million dollar question: WHAT IS THIS SONG ABOUT??
There are a lot of really twisted songs on this album, seriously. Sex Type Thing, Wicked Garden, Creep.
What kind of man was Scott Weiland at this point in his life. He was kind of one part Axl Rose, one part ????
Help me solve this riddles.


  1. I don't know if I can help solve the riddle, but I second your appreciation for this song. I'm telling you, 1994-1995 was a golden age of rock creativity. I know it just happened to coincide with when we started paying attention, but it's true. Beck! Pumpkins! Pilots! Sonic Youth! Breeders! It was a great time to be a teenager.

    But yeah, there were some messed-up songs (lyrically speaking) on that album. They never did create anything that measured up, although I remember being pretty dazzled by their follow-up hit - the one that was about 1 minute long.
