Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Academy Award Nominations

So, I finally checked out the Academy Award nominations and I have definitely have some comments to make. For one, they are all picks that are very relative to the times we are living in. Many of the movies are political in nature, such as Frost/Nixon, which for obvious reasons parallel 2008. Where as all the picks last year, such as No Country for Old Men, were all very violent, similar to the times. A few picks have really thrown me for a loop. One, I think its kinda sad to see both Angelina (sp?) Jolie and Brad Pitt nominated. I know America is obsessed with the "super couple," but does the Academy have to follow suit. Jolie does not deserve an Academy Award nomination EVER, I haven't seen the flick she's in, but I'm sure she can't possibly deserve it. This is the girl from Hackers, from Tomb Raider, this is not an actress. Next off, Robert Downey Jr for Tropic Thunder. Okay....I saw it. It was funny. Not hilariously funny, but funny enough. And I know the Academy hates comedies, but this pick just baffles me. Is the Academy trying to be up with the times, or just flat out racist. The role Robert Downey Jr plays in Tropic Thunder is a white man playing a black man. I'm sure if he wins this, it will be the greatest/most baffling acceptance speech EVER. Especially if he's high on cocaine, which he probably will be. Anyways...not too much else to put in. Milk I feel got picked, to represent the the current homosexual civil liberties fight in America. And Heath Ledger and Mickie Rourke got picked becuz they are fan favorites, and my personal favorites. I haven't even seen many of the movies that are up for awards, so I probably shouldn't even be writing anything. I feel bad about the Heath Ledger nomination. I think he was a person who was to emotional sensitive to play such a demented role. I think he went to close to the fire and got burned. I sincerely do.


  1. Milk was awesome and Sean Penn did a spectacular job, in my opinion. What do you mean by "homosexual agenda"?

  2. Hmmm...yeah, that term probably does make me sound like a bigot doesn't it. What i simply mean to say is "homosexual rights" or liberties, whether you believe in them or not.
