This is my mother with her mother. It's a great picture. I believe I took it in Maui, during our family vacation in Christmas 2007. Wow! That long ago already. Time really goes and goes and goes. I am so glad that my grandma is still with us. It is strange to think I haven't lost anyone in my family, with the exception of a great grandma. Good Norwegian genes, is what I chock it up to. Anyways, I love my mom more than she'll ever understand. I wish I hadn't been such a complete disaster in my twenties, I hope that I can do everything within my power to make it up to her. I know she wants to be a grandma someday herself, and I don't even have a girlfriend. So....I got to stick to the plan here, get a career, so I can actually afford a family and then hopefully these dreams of mine will be realized. Instead of just keeping them as dreams, after all there is only so many things you can make happen, some are not up to you. I don't even know if I'm capable of being in love again. I got so darn messed up. I met the girl of my dreams once.....and it was pretty much the worst thing that's ever happened in my life. And I put the blame solely on my insanity and inability to even be in a relationship. This has turned into a rant post, sometimes I just type these out and then save them and not post them. It can be scary having a blog and putting yourself out there for the whole world to judge. The whole world. People are not kind, they are judgmental. ANd their judgements are negative. But no one is a bigger critic of my shortcoming than me. And with that being said, thank god for my mother because she always see's the good in me.
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