Alright, so I guess it's time to actually try to put some music on here. Let's start with RIOT. I picked this record up somewhere mainly because of the cover. That's what so nice about Metal vinyl LP's. If you have a sweet cover, I'm pretty much sold. It goes back to my days of loving fantasy art, such as Franzetta, or Magic:The Gathering cards. NERD!
Anyways, this record, is fantastic. In fact it has one of the most baffling songs I've ever come across, "Swords and Tequila." All though these two things seemingly have nothing in common unless maybe your a Mayan or maybe Spanish Conquistador, for some reason this ridiculous battle cry resonated something with me. I mean this would be my anthem if I lived in Mexico, on the Gulf side, and had a beautiful Senorita for a wife and a small fishing boat, and some surf, and...man, my daydreams can get the best of me. Is it just me or are Mexican women insanely beautiful. I think I'm right on this one.
Anyways, I can't say too much for the rest of the album. It's good. I think they are from New York, so they are not British, and they are not really as metal as say Iron Maiden, it's more of a Rock sound. But, It's great. hopefully this link I add will let you download the song.
Also, it is very important to note that the harp seal head on a guy's body is their mascot, their "Eddie" if you will. And appears on several album covers. And yes....if you look very closely you can see that he has red lighting bolts for eyes! TCB!

Couldn't you just imagine this guy with red lighting bold eyes singing, "Swords and Tequila, Galloping through the night, Swords and Tequila, Carry me through the Fight!"
If only I was worth at damn at photo shop and actually had photoshop. WEll, hopefully someday. Or other.
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