So, apparently Mendocino County where I grew up and have so many good friends, family and feeelings for... is burning. There was a spectacular lightning storm on Monday (See above pic of Civic Center) morning that caused several fires that have spread this morning into around a hundred fires. I have heard via the Internet that some friend's rural lands may be in danger, and that possibly Greenfield Ranch, a very historical community, has been evacuated. I am not really sure to as to the exact truths of all statements but I have tried to gather as much info as possible via the web and phone. I am concerned for my friends in the rural Potter Valley region, Orr Springs Rd, Low Gap Rd, and Heartland Ranch. Hopefully nobody will loose their home or land in this fire. From what I understand the firefighters are working diligently, but there is simply too many fires. I know that the remote-ness of most of these fires, must make it extremely difficult. I really feel that a lot of people I know right now are kinda in the thick of it and are possibly fighting these fires as I speak. I wish them the best. One of the unique aspects of Mendocino County that I truly respect is the rural people that live there to be "off the grid" or to have a commune and live sustainable. Therefore any of these people's land or homes that are lost due to this fire, is a great loss. This fire is something more than a fire that will only jeopardize a few dozen pot farms. This fire is causing people who have strived to live outside of societal norms, by creating their own utopia aka "the American Dream," to fight for everything they have struggled to build. I sincerely wish them the best. I will continue to update this post til the fires have subsided. Hopefully my Portland rain chant will bring some relief to my homeland.
New update as of now 9:32. Greenfield Ranch, everything is a ready for evacuation, family waiting. See blog link below.
Here is a link for a blog by Aurelea who is from Greenfield: http://mendofire.blogspot.com/
And a link to the Ukiah Daily Journal: http://www.ukiahdailyjournal.com/
And a link to stream KYZX Live for updates on local radio:
And finally a link to a very good map of the fires: http://activefiremaps.fs.fed.us/fireplots/cgb2008176_1500.jpg
This is the official CAL FIRE Entry:
Mendocino Unit: 106 fires have burned more than 19,000 acres. Incident Command Team #4 has been assigned to this complex. The Orr Fire is 100 acres and has evacuations of the Orr Springs Resort and 50 homes in the area, the Navarro Fire is 1,400 acres and 5% contained, the Cherry fire is 50 acres and 50% contained, the Foster Fire is 50 acres and 50% contained, the Table Mtn. Fire is 1,000 acres and 5% contained, the Mallo Pass Fire is 800 acres, and the Juan Creek fires (2) are at 100 acres each. There are 8 additional fires at 30 acres each. The Mendocino Fire Information Number is (707) 972-3846.
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