Monday, June 30, 2008

Vintage Jim Carrey Living Color

I remember loving this show when I was younger. Yet, fifteen years or so later, it seems even funnier to me. Like for example, the nowadays mega star Jim Carrey for example. He's always been good, he has such good physical comedy and was just destined to be huge from the very start. When he was on Living Color though, as the token white guy, I believe he really got to cut loose. I had almost completely forgotten about his character "Vera de Milo," but thankfully in the Cyber Era we have Soon to the world's most popular website/TV Chanel. It's seriously addicting. Want to watch something, and old TV show, a music video, yer neighbor talking about how to eat Count Chocula, well.......check out Anyways though, Check out this clip of premium Jim Carrey and then go watch the other ones as well. He is really out there on this one. It's just disturbing on every level. I really want to journey into the part of Jim Carrey's psyche that this character inhabits. Now that would be wild.

COULD YOU IMAGINE IF THEY HAD MADE A SPIN OFF FEATURE LENGTH MOVIE OF THIS CHARACTER. It would have made "That's Pat" look so tame in comparison.

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