Beck has a new album out July 8th I believe. It is called Modern Guilt and Danger Mouse is the producer. I am thoroughly stoked.I have been a huge Beck fan since the very first time I saw "Loser" on MTV. It was so fresh and mind blowingly good. I remember I didn't hear the song or see the video for a while afterwards, but I couldn't wait to. When I got the album I remember feeling very apprehensive about it, could he be one of those one hit wonder, flash in the pan artists? The exact opposite. SInce then, Beck has been the only artist, beside Ween, that I have consistently followed and tried to purchase the new album the day it came out. With the exception of the last few years, when music has ceased to be something that is purchased, which is sad in a way. As I look at my shelf of CD's, that I probably spent more than 12 grand on, now dishelved, unorganized and probably worth around 60 bucks, I am nostalgic for the period of my life that I enjoyed buying and collecting music. It is interesting to note, how much Beck has remained on top of the ever changing music format medium. He was a very big napster advocate and his last album "The Information" I actually purchased, twice even (I gave it to my sister), because it came with and entire DVD of videos for the album as well as 1 of 4 different sets of cool stickers. Talk about cutting edge marketing and design. That's why I love the man. I have no doubt that this new album will have some cool incentive. I've heard that the new Judsas Priest double album comes with vouchers for concerts, which is just insane. Anywho, I look forward to this new album. Check out the three of the songs at: http://ilike.com/artist/Beck
Is Beck the equivalent of David Bowie for this generation? Probably as close as we will get I will argue. Care to comment.
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