My cellphone camera didn't quite do the trick on this shot, but anyways.......I worked my first of the Oregon Summer Zoo concerts last night and therefore got to see Keb' Mo" and Taj Mahal for FREE. Apparently they are two of the finest blues musicians still living. I had only heard a little of Taj Mahal before and had never even heard of Keb' Mo'. But, they were both pretty fabulous. They did a song together during Keb' Mo's set, which is what my lousy photo is. Taj is on the right, he is a glowy glow beacon of light in the night. Like a shiny demon in white. But yeah,....the show was damn impressive. About 2,300 people attended so it was pretty nuts. I tore a lot of tickets that night. Which got me thinking, the whole ticket taking phenomenon is not as secure as you would think. I mean, we had pretty normal perforated tickets and all, but also the new fangled ticketmaster self print out ones as well, and let me tell you it wouldn't be that hard to cheat the system. And since it's ticketmaster I say go for it if you can.
Back to the show review here. Keb' Mo' was pretty fabulous. I have a new interest in blues, especially since most of the scales for guitar I've really enjoyed learning lately have been blues scales. He had fabulous guitars too, one that was completely steel. It was definitely pretty rock oriented blues, but still blues. He had one song that is probably called "Dangerous Mood" and one about "Carrying a Suitcase" that had beautiful verses and meaning. I had a good time, drank a Mirror Pond that was $6. EEK. And stood up front with the rest of the olds. I felt young. Even lately, I just feel old.....and washed up.
Here's another photo. It's a zoom, so it's smaller.

Here's a nice youtube cover of him doing Johnny Cash:
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